mr yeow was being annoying that day. i was really really disappointed with myself for not allowing myself to perform at esplanade.. i miss singing so much you know.. but yesterday's praise and worship night made up for it.. oh it was simply awesome. =)
eeks im really migraning now.. vision's spinning and im starting to see two! ooh.. means time to go to bed! blessed sleep everybody!
my daddy's leaving for shanghai in half an hour.. =( horrible horrible machines there why spoil? i don't like daddy to go overseas.. daddy i'll miss you.. the next one week will be LONG. =(
i have one big huge chunck of work to complete.. seeing them makes me drowsy.. help! the day didn't start well.. woke up with bad news on my phone.. i sure pray it'll end well.. im a hungry girl now.. literally ate nothing the whole day.. munch munch time!
"put a song in my mouth..."
oh one thing i'll never ever be able to appreciate... kinematics! what's which those particles walking round and round then u-turning then walking again? eat too full nothing to do? rahh.. i do NOT like kinematics! boo hoo.
hmm hmm.. im hungry! lala dinner time! :)
later while i was showering, a little thought popped in my head.. these many girls 'starve' so hard to hope to get that 80 carat worth crown on their head.. they have to impress (so many) judges, look perfect, walk perfect yadaa yadaa.. a little mistake and they get nothing. doesn't that sound like law? thank God for grace. i'll get my crown when i go meet my Daddy! He loves me just as i am. =)
today's tiring day.. my dearest cosy bed here i come! sleeping is such a luxury... =))
"I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know it's true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God..."
anyways.. today's service was fantastic.. so so blessed.. =) im a happy girl today.. had nice lunch with kok and little queen bimbo.. and guess what, i got caught in the rain. when i reached home. the sun shone. like really brightly! as if laughing at me for not being smart enough to wait a lil longer at the bus stop. hrmp. anyway.
the super d choristers were talking about last year's syf set piece. "saan falling eeen the west, the eevening star must shaine. birds are SAI-lent in deeair, in deeair nest!.." goshes. now i realised how much i miss singing! there're feelings built for singing you know.. i miss becky! oh yes i saw modissa today.. sentimental stuff started coming back. wells, 4 years past so fast you know..
alright.. it's past 12 alr.. happy birthday school tml? stoning time.. *yawns*
well then after which alene and i chiong-ed like two siao char bors down to B1 to buy cake for daniel.. well then we had tongue sticking session and started behaving all spastic.. really enjoyed myself.. loads. :)
oh dad bought a hard drive for me! :)) now i can store lots and lots of songs and photos without worrying of lack of space! hurray! :) yay im a happy girl. hmmms. kinda sleepy alr after such a long day.. blessed remaining of the week! :)

paul um two hills

cutie dory fish!
now spot the difference, name the similarity!! quick quick!
if you're slow.. (hee)
difference: dory is a few million times cuter than that hill
similiarity: hilly is trying to pose as dory!
well if you cant see, i'll help you!

gosh. this is pure impersonation of dory! how can!?!? im so gna sue him.. hee hee. (
lala. today was a migrane-ish day.. weather's so hot hot hot!! yes and rachel declared me smarter than jackie! yay yay yay! 30 min to rachel's bdae! =)
both messages yesterday and today were powerful. my Daddy showers constantly blessings on me beacuse im righteous in Christ! i dont have to work for my blessings. beacuse He is with me, i have favour! =) the last week was so tiring that i kept wanting to give up. really, faith comes by hearing the word. i never really understood what that meant. now i do. no condemnation for every decision i make! put Christ in the center of my life.. talk to Him whenever troubles come my way! He'll never fail me. ever. that's like the best assurance! =)
lala now's dinner time! =) oh blended and chicken based! sick. haha.
blessed week beloveds! =))
"o Lord you search me
you know my ways
even when i fail you
i know you love me
i know you love me.."
anyway. this is so cute lah! never noticed before..
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
world cup.. well i guess i'll never be able to understand soccer ever. haa. it just doesnt speak my language. well well. my migrane is catching up on me! time to take a nap..
i've accepted a few new truths recently. hmm. though still can really really believe it's happening. well i guess reality's still reality! oh yes. the reality. VS is starting school at 930 am tml lah because of the world cup! how cool is that? now shout it out! NOT FAIR! haha. seriously. i think we should have a public holiday tml in celebration of the closure of world cup or something. the poll seriously earns alot alot of money every 4 years! blah blah blah. im just crapping non stop here waiting for my hair to dry so i can go sleep. oh well i have nothing to crap about anymore. how sad. lets all cry. i think i should go sleep. im starting to talk rubbish already. goodnight darlings! seeya all at world cup later! =S
despite being cooked.. my little brain's not fried yet.. met someone unexpected on the way home.. reaching my home saw primary school kiddos geting off the school bus.. makes me miss my taking-school-bus days. i wonder how i felt when i turned 13. i wonder how it'll feel like to grow up. hmm. i dont want to grow up. oh man. what rubbish.
im hot and say it with me. IM HOT.
thank goodness my Daddy's always the same! if not i really dont know where to get my strength from.
"yesterday today forever you're the same
jesus your love will never ever change
you are here with me watching over me
day after day i'll walk in all your ways"
nevertheless.. knowing how much my big Daddy loves me surpasses all those sickness already. He is greater than my problems and He'll not want me going through all these! besides, He paid for my diseases and pains at the cross!
prelims are in like what 2 months? i know He is my victory! =)
"at the cross i bow my knee
where your blood was shed for me
there's no greater love than this
you have overcomed the grave
your glory fills the highest place
what can seperate me now"